Describe the foundations of Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps

Describe the foundations of Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps

This module introduces learners to the customer engagement applications for Dynamics 365, the individual apps and how they relate to Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft Dataverse.


This content was partially created with the help of AI. An author reviewed and revised the content as needed. Read more.

Business Owner
Business User
Functional Consultant
Dynamics 365

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Describe use cases for Dynamics 365.
  • Describe how the Microsoft Power Platform relates to Dynamics 365 apps.
  • Explain what Microsoft Dataverse is and how it is used by Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps.
  • Describe the different Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps.
  • Describe options for accessing Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps.
  • Describe Copilot in Dynamics 365 customer engagement apps.

