Build data models in finance and operations apps

Build data models in finance and operations apps

The data model in finance and operations apps consists of tables, views, queries, and other components. These components are important in development. All data in finance and operations apps is stored in tables and managed in the data model in Visual Studio. Tables store data such as company transactions, inventory, and journals.

Dynamics 365
Supply Chain Management

Module Objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Define the use of tables in finance and operations apps.
  • Create a new table in Visual Studio.
  • Create, manage, and extend views, queries, and table maps.
  • Manage table properties.
  • Add fields and field groups to a table.
  • Create an index and a table relation.
  • Learn about table methods.


  • Basic understanding of enterprise resource planning systems
  • Basic knowledge of development terms and verbiage