Build extended data types and enumerations for finance and operations apps

Build extended data types and enumerations for finance and operations apps

Extended data types (EDTs) and base enumerations (enums) are data types that are created and managed in the development environment. Base enums represent a list of literals, while EDTs are reusable data types that have a specific definition. The Application Object Tree (AOT) in finance and operations apps contains many existing EDTs and base enums that can be extended for use in your project, or you can create new data types. This module will focus on creating new data types.

Dynamics 365
Supply Chain Management

Module Objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Identify the different types of EDTs.
  • Learn about the use of base enumerations (base enums).
  • Identify how EDTs and base enums are viewed in the finance and operations apps user interface.
  • Create a base enumeration.


  • Basic understanding of enterprise resource planning systems
  • Basic knowledge of development terms and verbiage