Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Performance efficiency

Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework - Performance efficiency

Scaling your system to handle load, identifying network bottlenecks, and optimizing your storage performance are important to ensure your users have the best experience. Learn how to make your application perform at its best.

Solution Architect
App Service
Cache for Redis
Content Delivery Network
Container Instances
Disk Storage
Kubernetes Service
SQL Database
Traffic Manager
Virtual Machines
Virtual Network

Module Objectives

By the end of this module, you're able to:

  • Scale your capacity based on workload.
  • Optimize network performance.
  • Optimize storage and database performance.
  • Improve application performance by identifying bottlenecks.


  • Experience building or operating solutions using core infrastructure technology such as data storage, compute, and networking
  • Experience building or operating technology systems to solve business problems